
The start of my life's new chapter, and my rediscovery of what matters. For more information about Cross-Cultural Solutions (CCS), the nonprofit organization through which I have my volunteer placement, please visit CCS' website.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Readjustment - My first month back in NYC

Hello all (Molweni to my Xhosa-speaking friends),

I've been back in New York City for nearly a month -- a month!! -- and I haven't a clue how that much time has managed to get away from me without me putting up my 'I'm back in the States' posting.  So, my apologies for the delay, but here's the posting.

For those who I haven't spoken to since I've been back, the return flights were long but manageable.  And it was nice to settle back in to my apartment (okay, I could have done without the power cleaning that I had to do when I got back in...but the house is long back in order and there was no permanent damage done by the last subtenant, so c'est la vie).  And it's been great to slowly catch up with friends and family, even if I haven't been able to catch up with more than a tiny handful of people so far!  Oh, yes, and Milo was more than a little happy to see me, and for the first week he barely made a sound and was just happy to be home.  Over the last several weeks, he's returned to his normal hyper, lovable, energetic terrier self, so things have returned to normal here in Prospect Heights.

All that said, I've spent most of my time since I've been back looking for work, applying for jobs and going on an interview or two.  The job search is in full swing.  I'd love to say that I know with certainty what will come next, but as of right now I do not know.  All I know is that the life I'd had over my 15 years in New York City -- that of either a law student or working as an attorney for a law firm -- is a closed chapter.  I may wind up doing temporary legal work until I land a paid job in community development, but that's as close as I'll come.

It's taken me the better part of the last month to actually adjust to being back in New York.  Part of it stems from the wonderful winter weather we've been having, but a larger part of the adjustment has been cultural. I'm trying to find a way to hold on to the lessons, the growth and the awareness (both self and external) from ZA while looking for work and figuring out where to go from here. No answers or grand epiphanies yet.

All the best to each of you.  Until the next posting...

Stay well/sala kahuhle,


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